Build an Audience, Get More Views, and Earn More Money From Twitter (X)

15 Modules to Take You From Zero to Hero on the World's Fastest-Changing Platform

What people are saying...

Dan Koe, CEO of Kortex, prolific online writer. $4.5M in revenueIf you're anything like me, you noticed Tim on Medium a while ago and have been following him ever since.Tim completely changed the way that I write.Tim helped me synthesize my ideas into something unique. And I would argue that that led to the uniqueness that my brand has today and a lot of the success around the ideas that stick in my readers minds.So if you're considering learning from Tim, do it. Please do it. He is the most prolific writer I've ever seen in my life.

Matt Gray, Previous CEO of Bitmaker, which sold for $410M. Current CEO of Founder OS, $13M in revenueTim is someone I trust when it comes to publishing content online.He’s been doing it for a decade, and he has tons of proven strategies and systems for you to write effectively, build a loyal audience, and convert those people to customers.Whenever I learn anything, I want to go straight to the top.Tim is that guy.He continues to be a true leader in the space, and I highly recommend what he’s teaching if you’re looking to grow your audience and take things to the next level.

I might be able to guess why you didn't hit "Enroll Now" up there...

It's possible that you didn't click "Enroll Now" because...You see X as a place for political shouting matches and silly memes.Home of the culture wars, giving a voice to anyone, even if those people are saying STUPID, UNINFORMED, or DOWNRIGHT INCORRECT things.And you DON'T see it as a place where you can learn, earn, and connect with people unlike ANY other place on the internet.(Luckily, this is also wrong. And we'll ALSO get to that in a minute.)

Why I Built Twitter (X) Badassery

I might be able to guess why you didn't hit "Enroll Now" up there...

It's possible that you didn't click "Enroll Now" because...You see X as a place for political shouting matches and silly memes.Home of the culture wars, giving a voice to anyone, even if those people are saying STUPID, UNINFORMED, or DOWNRIGHT INCORRECT things.And you DON'T see it as a place where you can learn, earn, and connect with people unlike ANY other place on the internet.(Luckily, this is also wrong. And we'll ALSO get to that in a minute.)

You're only seeing the problems. You're NOT seeing what X can do for a person with fingers, a brain, and a little will to succeed.

For example.
Let's take a look at Josh.

Not too shabby, I guess, huh?Before we go further, let me be clear on this:Josh did NOT just log on to Twitter one day, post a few things,
and then start getting these big paydays.
And if you're the kind of person who falls for get-rich-quick schemes...You'll want to go somewhere else.Find an Amazon Dropshipping Bro or something.But...If you've got a little resilience and 15 minutes per day,
Twitter is going to be very beneficial for you.

For example.
Let's take a look at Josh.

Not too shabby, I guess, huh?Before we go further, let me be clear on this:Josh did NOT just log on to Twitter one day, post a few things,
and then start getting these big paydays.
And if you're the kind of person who falls for get-rich-quick schemes...You'll want to go somewhere else.Find an Amazon Dropshipping Bro or something.But...If you've got a little resilience and 15 minutes per day,
Twitter is going to be very beneficial for you.

Twitter is not the broken platform it used to be. And people who ignore it may find themselves filled with regret in a few years' time.

I haven't been this excited about an opportunity since 2017.

When I saw THAT change, and when I set myself up to take advantage of it, I made a cool seven figures in a matter of 18 months.And I have every reason to believe this opportunity will be just as big.Or bigger.By the end of this page, you’ll be convinced as well.Now, I don’t really use phrases like “biggest online writing shift in the last decade” often.I've seen enough platform changes to know most executives just exaggerate how cool they are to impress investors, and keep the stock ticker going up.

I haven't been this excited about an opportunity since 2017.

When I saw THAT change, and when I set myself up to take advantage of it, I made a cool seven figures in a matter of 18 months.And I have every reason to believe this opportunity will be just as big.Or bigger.By the end of this page, you’ll be convinced as well.Now, I don’t really use phrases like “biggest online writing shift in the last decade” often.I've seen enough platform changes to know most executives just exaggerate how cool they are to impress investors, and keep the stock ticker going up.

Even before my online writing journey, I was building my "instincts" for rare opportunities.

  • Like the time I invested in Bitcoin at only $1,050 (an investment which has earned me, at minimum, 30x in value). At a time when the media, the mainstream news, and your mother were all calling cryptocurrency a scam, I did my research, saw the writing on the wall, and jumped in.

  • Then, there was the time when I saw an opportunity in the e-commerce space in the early days of the internet (2009-ish). My friend and I built a company, a 100-person team, and an 8-figure revenue business.

Even before my online writing journey, I was building my "instincts" for rare opportunities.

  • Like the time I invested in Bitcoin at only $1,050 (an investment which has earned me, at minimum, 30x in value). At a time when the media, the mainstream news, and your mother were all calling cryptocurrency a scam, I did my research, saw the writing on the wall, and jumped in.

  • Then, there was the time when I saw an opportunity in the e-commerce space in the early days of the internet (2009-ish). My friend and I built a company, a 100-person team, and an 8-figure revenue business.

And over the last 10 years or so, I've been teaching students of my online academy to take advantage of opportunities like this.Get ready to scroll.....

Not bad, ey?I could show you more, but then you really would be scrolling all day.Safe to say, I help people find opportunities.

In fact, even before my online writing journey, I was building my "instincts" for rare opportunities.

  • Like the time I invested in Bitcoin at only $1,050 (an investment which has earned me, at minimum, 30x in value). At a time when the media, the mainstream news, and your mother were all calling cryptocurrency a scam, I did my research, saw the writing on the wall, and jumped in.

  • Then, there was the time when I saw an opportunity in the e-commerce space in the early days of the internet (2009-ish). My friend and I built a company, a 100-person team, and an 8-figure revenue business.

In fact, even before my online writing journey, I was building my "instincts" for rare opportunities.

  • Like the time I invested in Bitcoin at only $1,050 (an investment which has earned me, at minimum, 30x in value). At a time when the media, the mainstream news, and your mother were all calling cryptocurrency a scam, I did my research, saw the writing on the wall, and jumped in.

  • Then, there was the time when I saw an opportunity in the e-commerce space in the early days of the internet (2009-ish). My friend and I built a company, a 100-person team, and an 8-figure revenue business.

If you've failed to do well on X, you're probably struggling with these problems.

You're not convinced “X” is a good platform for youYou're overthinking your postsYou're not getting any engagement.You're unable to build an audienceYou're not posting consistentlyYou're not sure how to monetize

If you've failed to do well on X, you're probably struggling with these problems.

You're not convinced “X” is a good platform for youYou're overthinking your postsYou're not getting any engagement.You're unable to build an audienceYou're not posting consistentlyYou're not sure how to monetize

Let's solve that first problem now.
Read this, and then tell me if X is "worth your while"

Something has happened with X that has NEVER happened with any other platform.New management has stepped in. A new path has been laid down. A new opportunity is opening up.(Yeah, yeah, I know you want to talk about Elon. I'll get to him in a minute)This type of shift doesn't happen very often. Normally, when a new CEO steps into an existing platform, the changes are slow, clunky, and ineffective.I thought this might be the case with X too.No.The changes at X are fast-moving, useful, and opening up opportunity for everyone on the platform.Obviously I don’t expect you to take my word for that (even though you just saw my track record), so…Let’s walk through this in true “online writer” style.

Let's solve that first problem now.
Read this, and then tell me if X is "worth your while"

Something has happened with X that has NEVER happened with any other platform.New management has stepped in. A new path has been laid down. A new opportunity is opening up.(Yeah, yeah, I know you want to talk about Elon. I'll get to him in a minute)This type of shift doesn't happen very often. Normally, when a new CEO steps into an existing platform, the changes are slow, clunky, and ineffective.I thought this might be the case with X too.No.The changes at X are fast-moving, useful, and opening up opportunity for everyone on the platform.Obviously I don’t expect you to take my word for that (even though you just saw my track record), so…Let’s walk through this in true “online writer” style.

I don't use the phrase "opportunity of a lifetime" very often, but... we're looking at one now.

And if you've read even half of what I wrote up there, I'm hoping you'll understand why.Obviously, I'm planning to go all in on X.The opportunity is too good to pass up.And I want to help you get there.Here's the path.

I don't use the phrase "opportunity of a lifetime" very often, but... we're looking at one now.

And if you've read even half of what I wrote up there, I'm hoping you'll understand why.Obviously, I'm planning to go all in on X.The opportunity is too good to pass up.And I want to help you get there.Here's the path.

Here's exactly what you'll get
when you join Twitter (X) Badassery

Twitter Has Changed to X
"Twitter" is now "X"... What's Changed? (2:19)
Getting Oriented
Lesson 0 - Using Twitter (for Beginners) (7:01)
Lesson 0 - Twitter Threads - Part 2 (8:02)
Lesson 1 - The Surprising Truth About Twitter - Part 1 (11:25)
Lesson 2 - The Surprising Truth About Twitter - Part 2 (13:15)
Lesson 3 - Is Twitter Blue Worth It? (4:22)
Lesson 4 - The Five-Point Profile - Part 1 (12:12)
Lesson 5 - The Five Point Profile - Part 2 (13:28)
"Reading the Room" on Twitter Like a Pro
Lesson 6 - Learn to "Read the Room" Like a Pro (18:05)
Lesson 7 - Secrets of the Twitter Algorithm (20:49)
Lesson 8 - Accelerate Your Idea Creation With The Best Tools (7:56)
Twitter Content Creation: Not Just Another Platform
Lesson 9 - Put on Your "Twitter Brain" and Prepare for the Platform (18:48)
Lesson 10 - The Secrets to Single Tweets, Tweet Threads, and Rapid Twitter Growth (38:42)
Lesson 11 - Infinity and Beyond - Using Analytics and Data to Show You What Works (19:05)
Lesson 12 - Use Long Form Writing on Twitter to Tell Better Stories - Updated for X (8:48)
Twitter Content Distribution: Go Further, Faster
Lesson 13 - Push Your Tweet Further, Faster (24:30)
How to Monetize On Twitter: Now, Later, and Every Day In Between
Lesson 14 - How to Use Twitter for Indirect Earnings - Your Newsletter, New Clients, or Potential Customers (22:46)
Lesson 15 - Get Prepared to Make Money DIRECTLY from Twitter (20:35)
Last Lesson Before You Go
Lesson 16 - Biggest Takeaways from Twitter Badassery...and a Special Offer (13:37)
Bonus Lessons
Open this to find your bonus lessons
Print Version of Twitter Badassery
Bonus Section - I Got 20 Million Impressions in 20 Days. Here's What I Learned
Threads Breakdown Part 1 (5:52)
Threads Breakdown Part 2 (2:14)
Threads Breakdown Part 3 (5:04)

Here's exactly what you'll get
when you join Twitter (X) Badassery

Twitter Has Changed to X
"Twitter" is now "X"... What's Changed? (2:19)
Getting Oriented
Lesson 0 - Using Twitter (for Beginners) (7:01)
Lesson 0 - Twitter Threads - Part 2 (8:02)
Lesson 1 - The Surprising Truth About Twitter - Part 1 (11:25)
Lesson 2 - The Surprising Truth About Twitter - Part 2 (13:15)
Lesson 3 - Is Twitter Blue Worth It? (4:22)
Lesson 4 - The Five-Point Profile - Part 1 (12:12)
Lesson 5 - The Five Point Profile - Part 2 (13:28)
"Reading the Room" on Twitter Like a Pro
Lesson 6 - Learn to "Read the Room" Like a Pro (18:05)
Lesson 7 - Secrets of the Twitter Algorithm (20:49)
Lesson 8 - Accelerate Your Idea Creation With The Best Tools (7:56)
Twitter Content Creation: Not Just Another Platform
Lesson 9 - Put on Your "Twitter Brain" and Prepare for the Platform (18:48)
Lesson 10 - The Secrets to Single Tweets, Tweet Threads, and Rapid Twitter Growth (38:42)
Lesson 11 - Infinity and Beyond - Using Analytics and Data to Show You What Works (19:05)
Lesson 12 - Use Long Form Writing on Twitter to Tell Better Stories - Updated for X (8:48)
Twitter Content Distribution: Go Further, Faster
Lesson 13 - Push Your Tweet Further, Faster (24:30)
How to Monetize On Twitter: Now, Later, and Every Day In Between
Lesson 14 - How to Use Twitter for Indirect Earnings - Your Newsletter, New Clients, or Potential Customers (22:46)
Lesson 15 - Get Prepared to Make Money DIRECTLY from Twitter (20:35)
Last Lesson Before You Go
Lesson 16 - Biggest Takeaways from Twitter Badassery...and a Special Offer (13:37)
Bonus Lessons
Open this to find your bonus lessons
Print Version of Twitter Badassery
Bonus Section - I Got 20 Million Impressions in 20 Days. Here's What I Learned
Threads Breakdown Part 1 (5:52)
Threads Breakdown Part 2 (2:14)
Threads Breakdown Part 3 (5:04)

Your Instructors

Here are the people who will help you on your road to Twitter (X) Badassery

Tim Denning

  • 1B+ content views

  • 210,000+ email subscribers

  • 7-figures in writing royalties

  • 7-figure online business owner

  • 500,000+ LinkedIn followers

  • 75,000+ Twitter/X followers

  • 119,000 Substack followers

  • Former 8-figure eCommerce business owner

Todd Brison

  • Co-teacher of Badassery Academy

  • Won Business Book of the Year in 2021 (Ghostwritten)

  • 67k followers on Medium

  • 7-figure online business owner

  • Formerly ran an Amazon Agency for authors (all clients had positive ROI on their ad spend)

A Community of Go Getters

  • If we can't solve it, the community can.

  • Get your questions answered.

  • Get advice from other students.

  • Make valuable connections.

Twitter (X) Badassery is a self-paced course that will help you take advantage of the internet's fastest-changing platform.

It'll be 15 lessons, covering only the "best" tricks I've learned.(These tricks come from the last 4 years of "Twitter Detective Work." I deleted my old Twitter, started from scratch and crushed all my assumptions. Even with a new account, I’ve made more progress in 9 months than most are able to make in 9 years.)

Twitter (X) Badassery is a self-paced course that will help you take advantage of the internet's fastest-changing platform.

It'll be 15 lessons, covering only the "best" tricks I've learned.(These tricks come from the last 4 years of "Twitter Detective Work." I deleted my old Twitter, started from scratch and crushed all my assumptions. Even with a new account, I’ve made more progress in 9 months than most are able to make in 9 years.)

I also personally took every Twitter course I could find, and, well…Most suck.

Some are good.None are what I would call a "complete" look at Twitter, and none of them cover the nuance of this new Twitter revolution (that I talked about here). There's a whole underground world to Twitter that most people don't know. I’ve interviewed Twitter creators who have follower counts ranging from 250K to 1 million.This course is the result of all that research, all the testing I've done on my own time, and all the "grey hat" tricks other teachers use but don’t teach.Like I said, I’ve been researching this stuff for years. I’ve been sitting on this course.Now, the timing is absolutely right.

I also personally took every Twitter course I could find, and, well…Most suck.

Some are good.None are what I would call a "complete" look at Twitter, and none of them cover the nuance of this new Twitter revolution (that I talked about here). There's a whole underground world to Twitter that most people don't know. I’ve interviewed Twitter creators who have follower counts ranging from 250K to 1 million.This course is the result of all that research, all the testing I've done on my own time, and all the "grey hat" tricks other teachers use but don’t teach.Like I said, I’ve been researching this stuff for years. I’ve been sitting on this course.Now, the timing is absolutely right.

Here are a few more things to expect from Twitter (X) Badassery.

  • Why Twitter is the ugly man’s platform.

  • How Twitter’s long-lost history makes it possible to win in the platform even if you’re a total dummy.

  • The truth about using a pen name on Twitter.

  • How many hours it takes until your tweet is dead in the water

  • Why Ryan Holiday, Tucker Max, James Altucher and many more best selling authors, used Twitter to test book and business ideas.

  • The shocking truth about how saturated Twitter is… Or isn’t

A little more on that "saturation" idea.It never fails to amaze me how stupid people get when they’re trying to explain the scale of the Internet.So blowhards, fake experts and doomers continue to blab about how "saturated" all our platforms are right now. (Likely to scare you away from starting in the first place.)But imagine a “saturated” sponge.It’s full.It’s soaked.And — it can’t hold ANYTHING else. Not one more drop of liquid.Does that sound like ANY platform?Me neither.Statistics show that <5% of X users post daily.So, instead of a soaked sponge, Twitter is more like a sponge that gets a few drops of water per day, gets squeezed out overnight, and then comes back hungry for more the next morning.Moving on…

  • How a stripper got a movie deal thanks to one single Twitter thread.

  • My co-teacher Todd’s’s explanation for how Twitter got him connected with a multi millionaire, who is also a software marketing, genius

  • The Twitter audience compound interest effect

  • One “unfair” tactic that can get your posts 2 to 5 times further than the average user And why not using this tactic can poison your attempts to earn money directly from the plan

  • How to turn a casual reader into someone who hovers over your profile, and then takes the plunge into your world

  • My personal suggestion for making cat owners famous

  • A deep analysis of five popular bios, on Twitter, why they work, and what each one can do better.

  • Why most people’s approach to X is equivalent to walking into a meeting about e-commerce sales ad instead discussing how much you love your pet chicken

  • The primary school writing trick that I still used to produce contact to this very day (or: The Mad Libs Tactic)

  • Todd’s “Family tree“ method to filling your feed with boldly, the best content

  • How Twitter Lists help you avoid the death spiral of political content.

  • Three types of content that the Twitter algorithm favors as predictably as the sun rises every morning

  • The behind-the-scenes, quality check that Twitter’s algorithm runs to see if your posts are worth sharing with strangers

Add a quick note on this oneThis is not the old “they show your content to a few people at a time to test and see if it will be liked elsewhere.”This is an entirely different set of rules that looks at your account, and the account history to make sure you are not violating any guidelines the algorithm looks for.Moving on…

  • The only four tools I recommend using for Twitter (besides the Twitter app itself)

  • “Greasing up“ the Twitter algorithm like a mechanic, so your posts slide right into other people’s feeds.

  • The single fatal flaw in most people’s tweets

  • How Lil Nas X used Twitter to generate viral attention for his breakout number one hit “Old Town Road” (a career changer for him)

  • Why are you absolutely SHOULD write posts that may be irrelevant in one months time

  • Niching down on twitter.

  • Exactly How many times per day you should post in order to grow much faster than the average person

  • Creating a “secret language” among your followers (that’ll have outsiders dying to know what’s going on).

  • “Borrowing” credibility and status to inflate the perceived value of your tweets.

  • An objective test to know whether or not something you’ve written is good

  • How a guy named Joey went viral thanks to a disaster that lead to him lying in a hospital bed with 4 pipes sticking out of his mouth.

  • Twitter Analytics — where to find and how to use

  • Why you should likely NEVER bother replying to accounts like Elon Musk, Donald Trump, or other mega-famous names on the platform

  • Retweeting yourself honestly works to get more engagement -- it's crazy!

  • My best advice for getting your first 1,000 followers… and then the best way to “leap” from there to 10,000+ followers and beyond.

  • The “black market” strategy for growing your account that is AGAINST Twitter’s Terms and Conditions… but hundreds of popular accounts do it anyway.

  • Sneakily using the little-known “X Shopping” to get more people on your email list.

  • Ryan Holiday’s Former Research Assistant is Using Twitter in a Very Unique Way to Blow Up.

  • The ONE time I’ll copy and paste a LOT of text from Medium to Twitter (Normally I’d discourage it, but a new feature of X makes it irresistible.)

Here are a few more things to expect from Twitter (X) Badassery.

  • Why Twitter is the ugly man’s platform.

  • How Twitter’s long-lost history makes it possible to win in the platform even if you’re a total dummy.

  • The truth about using a pen name on Twitter.

  • How many hours it takes until your tweet is dead in the water

  • Why Ryan Holiday, Tucker Max, James Altucher and many more best selling authors, used Twitter to test book and business ideas.

  • The shocking truth about how saturated Twitter is… Or isn’t

A little more on that "saturation" idea.It never fails to amaze me how stupid people get when they’re trying to explain the scale of the Internet.So blowhards, fake experts and doomers continue to blab about how "saturated" all our platforms are right now. (Likely to scare you away from starting in the first place.)But imagine a “saturated” sponge.It’s full.It’s soaked.And — it can’t hold ANYTHING else. Not one more drop of liquid.Does that sound like ANY platform?Me neither.Statistics show that <5% of X users post daily.So, instead of a soaked sponge, Twitter is more like a sponge that gets a few drops of water per day, gets squeezed out overnight, and then comes back hungry for more the next morning.Moving on…

  • How a stripper got a movie deal thanks to one single Twitter thread.

  • My co-teacher Todd’s’s explanation for how Twitter got him connected with a multi millionaire, who is also a software marketing, genius

  • The Twitter audience compound interest effect

  • One “unfair” tactic that can get your posts 2 to 5 times further than the average user And why not using this tactic can poison your attempts to earn money directly from the plan

  • How to turn a casual reader into someone who hovers over your profile, and then takes the plunge into your world

  • My personal suggestion for making cat owners famous

  • A deep analysis of five popular bios, on Twitter, why they work, and what each one can do better.

  • Why most people’s approach to X is equivalent to walking into a meeting about e-commerce sales ad instead discussing how much you love your pet chicken

  • The primary school writing trick that I still used to produce contact to this very day (or: The Mad Libs Tactic)

  • Todd’s “Family tree“ method to filling your feed with boldly, the best content

  • How Twitter Lists help you avoid the death spiral of political content.

  • Three types of content that the Twitter algorithm favors as predictably as the sun rises every morning

  • The behind-the-scenes, quality check that Twitter’s algorithm runs to see if your posts are worth sharing with strangers

Add a quick note on this oneThis is not the old “they show your content to a few people at a time to test and see if it will be liked elsewhere.”This is an entirely different set of rules that looks at your account, and the account history to make sure you are not violating any guidelines the algorithm looks for.Moving on…

  • The only four tools I recommend using for Twitter (besides the Twitter app itself)

  • “Greasing up“ the Twitter algorithm like a mechanic, so your posts slide right into other people’s feeds.

  • The single fatal flaw in most people’s tweets

  • How Lil Nas X used Twitter to generate viral attention for his breakout number one hit “Old Town Road” (a career changer for him)

  • Why are you absolutely SHOULD write posts that may be irrelevant in one months time

  • Niching down on twitter.

  • Exactly How many times per day you should post in order to grow much faster than the average person

  • Creating a “secret language” among your followers (that’ll have outsiders dying to know what’s going on).

  • “Borrowing” credibility and status to inflate the perceived value of your tweets.

  • An objective test to know whether or not something you’ve written is good

  • How a guy named Joey went viral thanks to a disaster that lead to him lying in a hospital bed with 4 pipes sticking out of his mouth.

  • Twitter Analytics — where to find and how to use

  • Why you should likely NEVER bother replying to accounts like Elon Musk, Donald Trump, or other mega-famous names on the platform

  • Retweeting yourself honestly works to get more engagement -- it's crazy!

  • My best advice for getting your first 1,000 followers… and then the best way to “leap” from there to 10,000+ followers and beyond.

  • The “black market” strategy for growing your account that is AGAINST Twitter’s Terms and Conditions… but hundreds of popular accounts do it anyway.

  • Sneakily using the little-known “X Shopping” to get more people on your email list.

  • Ryan Holiday’s Former Research Assistant is Using Twitter in a Very Unique Way to Blow Up.

  • The ONE time I’ll copy and paste a LOT of text from Medium to Twitter (Normally I’d discourage it, but a new feature of X makes it irresistible.)

This course is NOT for everyone.

  • If you will ALWAYS get triggered by Elon, Twitter ain’t for you.

  • If you don’t have the time to write even 2 or 3 tweets per day (even after I teach you the templates and formulas I use), go ahead and close this screen.

  • If you’re dead set on “long-form only,” you can also keep spending your life doing the time-heavy stuff and keep on moving.

But if you AREN’T one of those people.And you DO have the time to take advantage of this X Revolution in 15-30 minutes per day.You’re gonna want this course.

This course is NOT for everyone.

  • If you will ALWAYS get triggered by Elon, Twitter ain’t for you.

  • If you don’t have the time to write even 2 or 3 tweets per day (even after I teach you the templates and formulas I use), go ahead and close this screen.

  • If you’re dead set on “long-form only,” you can also keep spending your life doing the time-heavy stuff and keep on moving.

But if you AREN’T one of those people.And you DO have the time to take advantage of this X Revolution in 15-30 minutes per day.You’re gonna want this course.

Final point:
I want to make this course a complete no-brainer for you, so what you'll see below is special pricing for my list only.

The way I see it, if I’m beating Gary Freaking Vaynerchuk on any platform, I should probably be charging $5,000+ for everything I do.But again - I want to make it as easy as possible for you to join.You know what’s possible. You’ve seen the opportunity.Now, it’s up to you to decide.

Final point:
I want to make this course a complete no-brainer for you, so what you'll see below is special pricing for my list only.

The way I see it, if I’m beating Gary Freaking Vaynerchuk on any platform, I should probably be charging $5,000+ for everything I do.But again - I want to make it as easy as possible for you to join.You know what’s possible. You’ve seen the opportunity.Now, it’s up to you to decide.

The VIP Experience



Get a personalized experience to accelerate your Twitter Revolution efforts.

This package includes...

Everything in the the Follower Building Package and the Passive Income Accelerator Package, PLUS:
A comprehensive Twitter audit from Tim (me). I'll root out your current problems and give you a clear path to a better business.
A 1-hour consulting call with Todd Brison to find solutions for your overall strategy.
Good karma when we donate a scholarship in your name to a student who can't afford enrollment.
A personalized action plan worksheet so you know exactly what action to take at any given time to accelerate your Twitter growth. (You'll fill this in after the audit & consulting call)


Passive Income Accelerator Package



The highest value package includes more resources to help you succeed faster, and two bonus course.

This package includes...

Everything in Follower Building Package, PLUS.
A seat to the Medium Bad Assery online course to help you grow an audience and gain customers (Normally priced at $497)
Our most popular course, The 10X Writing Speed Blueprint, free of charge.
Membership in our exclusive Badassery Academy community

Follower Building Package



Get the full curriculum, 3 bonuses, and access to our private community for my best price.

This package includes...

The full Twitter Badassery curriculum.
The Twitter Badassery Course Notes for speed review, so you don't have to go back and watch the videos whenever you need to check something.
3 bonuses including: 28 days of Twitter prompts, our trademarked "Power Tweeting Matrix," and Tim's guide to Twitter Advanced Search.